Is the now of now different from the now of before now? No. The now is always pristine, clean, spotless. You never enter the now and you never run away from the now. The now during meditation is the same now during sex. The now of the pause is the same now of the movement. The now of inactivity is the same now of activity. The now of a bad day is the same now of a good day. Don't worry about the bad or good appearances of the now, just acknowledge the unchanging non-dual nowness. Here lies the presence of the eternal present. That presence is always present, so stop looking for it - just see it, feel it, have faith in it, be it. Enjoy the bad now as the good now. All the many now are just one timeless now. Pure presence that you are takes zero time to be present, so you can recognize it in no time. What you are lies where there is no time at all. So basically there is nothing to do but play with the illusion of time, that is, play with what you are not.