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Audiobooks - Ebooks

Jed McKenna - The Navigator Series (2* audio)


What you don't understand is what you are.

- Let's try to mess and crack up your mind: What you understand is what you are not. What you don't understand is what you are. Explanation... Don't try to figure out who or what you are. What understands what you are is what you are not. What doesn't understand what you are is what you are. What you are has nothing to do with knowledge or understanding. What you are does not know what it means to "know or understand". What you are has no meaning. So it makes no sense to understand the meaning. If you don't understand the meaning of this speech, that's fine. The goal of these koans is precisely to NOT make you understand who you are. Be glad you don't understand! This state of no-knowledge, no-thought, no-cognition is enlightenment! This is the purpose: not to make you understand anything. Stay in that misunderstanding. Extend this mental pause indefinitely and you will get what you are. That incomprehensible cognitive suspension is what you are....

Oblivion is our natural state.

 Oblivion is our natural state.  You can't think about yourself. You can only be forgetful of yourself. In self-forgetfulness, there is a sense of what you really are. Don't try to remember who you are. Don't think about you. Live calmly in self-forgetfulness. Live without self-consciousness. To put it right, live in "awareness of oblivion". Obliterate all spiritual stuff. Unlearn all human dogmas. Leave all doubts behind. Dismiss all expectations. Stay in the oblivion... oblivion is the natural state.  Don't fear oblivion.  Oblivion is the atemporal noplace that you are really seeking. (ZeRo)

What you are lies where there is no time at all.

 Is the now of now different from the now of before now? No. The now is always pristine, clean, spotless. You never enter the now and you never run away from the now. The now during meditation is the same now during sex. The now of the pause is the same now of the movement. The now of inactivity is the same now of activity. The now of a bad day is the same now of a good day. Don't worry about the bad or good appearances of the now, just acknowledge the unchanging non-dual nowness. Here lies the presence of the eternal present. That presence is always present, so stop looking for it - just see it, feel it, have faith in it, be it. Enjoy the bad now as the good now. All the many now are just one timeless now. Pure presence that you are takes zero time to be present, so you can recognize it in no time. What you are lies where there is no time at all. So basically there is nothing to do but play with the illusion of time, that is, play with what you are not.

Stay at Ground Zero

  Calm is a sign of strength. The more you stay still, calm, the more you feel the strength from deep inside. Remain in the ground of stillness. The foundation of true strength is stillness. Dedicate moments to quiet each day. Stand, sit, lie down firmly in stillness. Just be the stillness that you already are. Stay at Ground Zero. At that point the game is over.

The world of day-dreams and night dreams is the only place where 'you' can live

  Waking up (spiritually) is not necessarily pleasant: and since it is not pleasant, many prefer to sleep and dream. When you wake up, the first thing you will see is reality for what it is. You will see that reality does not exist for you, but you exist for it. As shocking as it is, when you let it in, you really find rest. You won't have to strain anymore to hold together a reality that does not exist; you will not have to force something unreal to be real. That 'you' and that 'external world' are that unreal something that you will no longer have to worship or even try to reconcile. The first step for this awakening it consists in knowing what is true and in letting it be as it is. Reality is not a safe place for you - for the you that you have built in your mind and in society. The intellect is the only safe place for your ego, the only place where the ego can live is the intellect. The world of day and night dreams is the only place whe...

Why suffer if you can avoid suffering?

  Why bask in a frivolous desire, a fatuous feeling, or a vain feeling when you can safely feel nothing? Why wallow in intellectual muck when you can just dodge it and not care? [Dung = internal dialogue, external dialogue, comments, useless questions, sterile conversations ... all bullshit! ] - Why torment yourself with a thought, a reasoning, a memory when you can not think at all? Why talk if you can be silent? Why hang out with who you want to avoid? Why care about what you don't care about? Why listen to something you don't want to hear? Why do it if you can not do it? Why think about it if you can avoid thinking about it? Why worry about it if you can not worry about it? Why so much pain if there is no gain? Why do a foolish thing if you know in advance that it is nonsense? In a nutshell: Why suffer if you can not suffer?

AudioReading of Wei Wu Wei Messages (Terence James Stannus Gray) - Best Quotes Selected by ZeRo

  discounted price on  my store : WEI WU WEI (TERENCE JAMES STANNUS GRAY ) - BEST QUOTES SELECTED BY ZERO - Payhip  

Jed Mckenna - Favorite Quotes from INVISIBLE GURU FORUM

  The following messages were written by the forum administrator Even if they are not related to the original Jed, they remain excellent teachings. -------   ·    Heresy is truth-talk in the dreamstate     (Fear of) Boredom makes you do stupid things   This is the cure to virtually everything, realize it's all virtual .   time is an illusion as well, so nothing every happened ..   Never existed, so easy to forget. … just realize that it never was .   Your anxiety is based on resistance to what ''appears' ' to be, what arises. When you see through the dream you won't care what arises as you will know at a level deeper than mind that it's not real... it's just a dream... and of absolutely no consequence ..     Your mind creates all your experiences, fills in the gaps and holes, gives us all the colors, identifies shapes and shapes identities... it definitely has it's place, and ...