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Jed Mckenna - Favorite Quotes from INVISIBLE GURU FORUM


The following messages were written by the forum administrator Even if they are not related to the original Jed, they remain excellent teachings.



·   Heresy is truth-talk in the dreamstate



(Fear of) Boredom makes you do stupid things


This is the cure to virtually everything, realize it's all virtual.


time is an illusion as well, so nothing every happened..


Never existed, so easy to forget.

just realize that it never was.


Your anxiety is based on resistance to what ''appears'' to be, what arises. When you see through the dream you won't care what arises as you will know at a level deeper than mind that it's not real... it's just a dream... and of absolutely no consequence..



Your mind creates all your experiences, fills in the gaps and holes, gives us all the colors, identifies shapes and shapes identities... it definitely has it's place, and T/R is about all the things that the mind misses.






we only know stories. What is the value of only knowing a story...  entertainment, that's why it's called a story.


The more ''ýou'' there is the longer story-sadness will last, the less ''you'' the briefer the story-experience. Briefer experiences are more fun because they leave room for the next brief experience. You can even reach a state where no experience starts, endures or ends. It's just an endless rolling along of nothing appearing to be something.





In Zen the sword that kills is used to kill that which can be killed, to remove that which can be removed, that which gets in the way of your true nature.




à fully breathing into the feeling/thought. Embarrass the little fcker. Don't just blow the balloon, blow till it pops!


events obey pattern, pattern obeys mind, and – beneath the costume and behind the character – you are mind.



this "new place" or perspective I was now felt familiar - like I've forgotten that this is where or what I really am. And it felt big.
I don't know is this the "final stage" or whatever but it certainly felt more real (and feels) than my "humanity", my identity, personal story etc.
And when I "remembered" (that's how it felt like bc i never really left?) I couldn't really do anything but LAUGH HARD … Nothing changed but everything feels definitely different. .. I'm not that "little old me" anymore.. I never was.

The good news is that there was really nothing to know. It’s just a “knowing" in “that it’s all just happening and has nothing to do with me. I am spectacle and audience. Well that’s a relief! That means I don’t have to do a goddamn thing except to allow and observe. That’s all that is required-that’s the realization... Once you get this then all else falls into place. At this level, there really isn’t anything to do, except BE.  Rest in BEING!

You don’t even have to make any decisions. Really!! All you have to do Is wait & see. If you are patient, you’ll see that in fact you never made any decisions. Everything is just happening!

The Deception is that “you” believe that it’s about you & that you are doing something.



à The self you wish to improve is fiction, so improving fiction is more fiction.


à You are traveling with too little money (Currency denominated in awareness/forgiveness/peace) and way to much clothing (all the crap/hurts/memories/rationalizations/personal armor, etc.).


à I lost myself so I couldnt recognize your good intentions... Forgive me I dont know what I do.




The essence of a dream is lie, that is hiding or making something from nothing.

Everything is a lie.

Boredom kills everything (story, lies, memory deception). --> noia mortale


If you give your foveal vision (1° attention, conscious mind) nothing of interest, it fatigues itself

let your second attention select





worry about achieving lucidity and the manifestation stuff takes care of itself….


EVERY thought, has an inherent quality of stress/resistance… No thinking is only a symptom of T/R and it occurs almost always just prior to T/R (if there is such a thing as prior).


people says “never judge a book by its cover”... I will say there is only covers...  there is no depth to explore... all kinds of dramas…

funny thing is that I have been running away from the thing called life.... that is not even real.


Mind says you have to do something and go ''somewhere''… doesn’t say there is no you nowhere.


Everything humans do is to hide the background voice telling them that this world is a dream.


Questions are just invitations to tell stories, stories are invitations to believe, and believing is the work of Maya.


you are not enjoying anything while thinking about it


Once ''completed'' one realized that there was no journey, there was no doing, there was no ''you'’ eccyou can come back with the knowledge of the dream and live freely regardless of whatever your body appears to be doing


if "trying" arises, it is just "trying" arising, like just another concept arising, well all kinds of sh*t arises, does it not?  And nothing to do with you.  There isn't one.


I love change and since realizing that nothing ever changes because nothing ever was, I enjoy change even more.



one of Maya/ego’s most influential Preservation Strategies... the threat that by losing, dropping or releasing your emotions your life will become a black and white movie. Worse yet, not even a movie but a series of numb, still pictures. It may be one of the last hands she plays but it’s a strong hand, until you realize she is holding nothing... it’s all a bluff, a complete scam, she doesn’t even have any cards.



nothing ever happened and everything that could possibly happen has already occurred. That's just the nature of a dream.


worry or concern is just a habit of the body. Nothing to do with you.



yawning in particular, then burping and overwhelming sleepiness are all symptoms of releasing.. They are indicators that your subconscious is ‘burning off’ importances.


Don't put effort into destroying anything, just be aware and eventually you will simply see through everything... because nothing is there but a flimsy apparition.


it doesn't matter what ACT, sentence, place, chapter, paragraph, is presented (or even what book), it's still just a story


All stories have a beginning a middle and an end. Part of the trick of Maya is to emphasize the beginning, rationalize the middle and make you feel like crap at the end. It's just the way she works. Without wisdom and awareness, you will just go back and repeat the cycle.


there was a point where the unprompted and just-below-consciousness stories dropped off and things went kind of flat, a certain sameness came over everything.. but there was a sub-current of peace and joy. Following that there was a previously unfelt sense of freedom. I was no long experiencing life through my stories. I was free to make up and play with any story I wanted. Because there was no longer a belief that stories are real, there is no suffering experienced at any point in the story.


this is one illusion proving it is real by means of another illusion’s illusory support, not a strong argument in any court or universe.



There’s nothing to measure who would measure what and by what standard? There is nothing ''here'' but dreamt stuff.

No true answer lies within this dream. Only more dream stuff…. It doesn't make sense and never will, because the need to make sense is only a human illness.

It's a little like asking ''who am I'' of an AI program.

The point of it all is to show one that there is no point. Point comes from a thought. Thought ain't it. But, if you really need a point, I use entertainment.



It is absolutely impossible for you to do anything wrong. We just aren't powerful enough to outwit the power that is and knows the way, (thank God!).

Everything you have done in your life, every bloody little thing, was perfect and only a silly little thought might say otherwise. That silly little thought knows dick-all about what's really going on here. Listen to it if you wish, but never, ever believe it.




You still give a s h i t about what people think about you?

Where in God's name did you come up with that?

THEY DON'T GIVE A **** ABOUT YOU. They are only recycling their boring patterns of behavior back to you, and you think it's real.........

STOP and think about what you are valuing here. It's garbage, just data, meaningless data, a tape recording of their personal pains and insecurities. There isn't one person in a hundred thousand that can offer you anything of value. They just don't have it so for heaven's sake stop listening to them. You are looking for your keys where the light is, not where you dropped them.


You are misdirecting your thoughts and energy.


Mind doesn't realize Truth, but can realize that Truth is

Truth has nothing to do with what appears as ''true''.


Look at 'the world' without any beliefs or stories about it. When you've managed to see without belief, you're Done, end of. You no longer have self/other, before/after, experience/non-experience. No external validator required because there is none…


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