Waking up (spiritually) is not necessarily pleasant:
and since it is not pleasant, many prefer to sleep and dream. When you wake up, the first thing you will see is reality for what it is. You will see that reality does not exist for you, but you exist for it. As shocking as it is, when you let it in, you really find rest. You won't have to strain anymore to hold together a reality that does not exist; you will not have to force something unreal to be real. That 'you' and that 'external world' are that unreal something that you will no longer have to worship or even try to reconcile. The first step for this awakening it consists in knowing what is true and in letting it be as it is. Reality is not a safe place for you - for the you that you have built in your mind and in society. The intellect is the only safe place for your ego, the only place where the ego can live is the intellect. The world of day and night dreams is the only place where 'you' can live. Reality is the only place where you (your self) cannot live. There is no room there for your hopes, your illusions, your dreams. Once in there, once you start waking up; once you let reality wake you up, you can't get out of it anymore. This is the beginning of your end. This is the beginning of the end of your self.
If you like the post, share the link---> https://truthrightinyourface.blogspot.com/2019/02/awakening-from-planetary-dream-firts.html - This is the first volume of the trilogy "Awakening from planetary dream". Click her for FREE pdf on kobo: first volume: Awakening from Planetary Dream: Volume One (Theory) - Kindle edition by ZeRo second volume: Awakening from planetary dream eBook by ZeRo - Click here for paper on lulu (7.92€) For any question, ask me at my FB profile This is the page dedicated to my Trilogy https://www.facebook.com/Awakening-fromm-planetary-dream-by-ZeRo-1988282898141374/
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