Enlightenment is the natural propensity to entertain oneself with nothing and nobody.
This dealing with nothing and nobody is what the ordinary mind hates to death.
It absolutely cannot and does not want to deal with nothing and nobody.
This is why the ordinary mind fears enlightenment to death.
Do you want to test your propensity to entertain yourself with nothing and nobody?
Do you want to notice closely how the ordinary mind is incapable of not worrying?
Then try to disconnect from the world while staring at something absolutely insignificant.
Try staring at the (off) screen of your TV or PC.
Try to look towards the sky and stay as long as you can in that state of contemplation.
Or look at the walls or ceiling without ever taking your eyes off.
If you can, defocus your gaze and keep it suspended in the empty space between one object and another.
While observing empty space, that is, while (not) looking at anything, pay attention to the psychological, emotional, physiological opposition.
Notice the frenzy and tendency to be distracted.
What you feel is Maya's hypnotizing activity.
That feeling of slight discomfort, subtle resistance or simple tension is the perceptive knot that keeps you spellbound and chained to the world of appearances.
That is what holds the common man prisoner and conversely it is what is transcended by the self-liberated.
Self-liberation is precisely the undoing of that perceptive knot, that existential discomfort, that slight annoyance, that subtle resistance, that tension.
Repeat over and over again one of the contemplations just suggested (screen, sky, ceiling, empty space between objects) and wait for self-liberation. Disenchantment can take a long or short time, depending on your degree of enchantment.
A sleeping conscience (enchanted, constantly hypnotized) can take a whole life.
An Awakening consciousness can do it in a few moments. Despite this, it is advisable that even the consciousness in the process of Awakening frequently repeats the contemplation of space until the mind is definitively unlocked: at that point, enlightenment, or the spontaneous propensity to entertain oneself with nothing or anyone, will be a condition. totally natural.
Good disenchantment and good self-liberation.
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