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Ramana Maharshi - Best quotes selected by ZeRo

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There is no dissolution or creation, no one in bondage, nor anyone pursuing spiritual practices.

There is no one desiring liberation nor anyone liberated. This is the Absolute Truth.





Never mind the mind.

If its source is sought, it will vanish, leaving the Self (the pearl) unaffected.

There is no mind to control if you realize the Self.

You have ignored what is real and are holding on to the mind which is unreal.





Meditation is your true nature.

You call it meditation now because there are other thoughts distracting you.

When these thoughts are dispelled, you remain alone – that is, in the state of meditation, free from thoughts; and that is your real nature.



True self-knowledge is the state in which our individual consciousness, our mind or ego, is known to be a false appearance that never existed except in its own imagination.












So long as we mistake ourselves to be this physical body, we will feel impelled to engage in physical, vocal and mental activities.




Thinking does in fact require effort, and therefore as a result of thinking we become tired.



The more we experience the joy of just being, the less we will feel desire to think or do anything, and thus by the practice of self-attention our tendency to think will be gradually weakened and will finally be destroyed. When we have no desire to think anything, we will remain effortlessly established in our own essential being, and thus even our effort to attend to our being will subside.



Our thoughts rise only because we attend to them, and the more we attend to them the more they flourish.






Thinking is what gives our mind a seeming identity or separate existence.








This illusory body, and all the other objects or thoughts known by our mind, will continue to appear real so long as we attend to them, just as a dream continues to appear real so long as we experience it. Our power of attention is what gives a seeming reality to the things that we know.








Since perfect surrender is only the state of just being, the means to attain that state must also be just being.

Not to be this or that, but just being.










We cannot surrender ourselves entirely without first knowing our real self, that is, without actually experiencing our real nature or essential being. In other words, in order to surrender our false individual self, we must focus our entire attention upon our essential being.



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