RAMESH BALSEKAR - BEST QUOTES, Selected by ZeRo eBook: Rovesta, Zewale: Kindle Store
Meditation & Enlightenment
Everything stated here can be verified through your direct experience. Words are just finger pointing to the moon, not the moon itself.
4th Path (Post Enlightenment)
Q: How did your perception change after Enlightenment?
Q: What does enlightenment feel like?
Q: What is your moment-to-moment experience after Full Awakening?
Q: What exactly do you mean when you talk about Awakening/True Nature?
Q: What is the difference between Buddha, Jesus, & a finite kunt?
“You’re living inside a burning house“
Q: What exactly is Kundalini and chakras? And how does it relate to enlightenment?
Q: Does spiritual work increase IQ and creativity?
One of many ways to get over any ex, or anything at all
Documentary “Three Identical Strangers“ as analogy for Awakening
Analogy that breaks down reality
Matrix movie as analogy for Awakening
Q: What do you see when you look into the mirror now?:
How To Attain Maximum Freedom - Escaping The Observer/Awareness Trap
“Consciousness Transformation Selfies”
Why enlightenment is 100% certain
The Shawshank Redemption as an analogy to describe the path to liberation
Descriptions for what it feels like to perform day-to-day activities in this stateless state
Q: What is the point of physicality of the world if everything comes down to the sensation?
The "Got it, lost it" syndrome
How to perform “Reverse“ Vipassana
How to experience the Buddha’s Awakening
How To Eradicate All Suffering In An Instant
What is the Three Speed Transmission?
How to Die? (Attaining Enlightenment)
How To Attain "Full Natty Enlightenment"
3rd meditation retreat note pt. 1
3rd meditation retreat note pt. 2
1. Am I Natty, and how to find the most suitable program for fitness (swipe).
2. Effects of enlightenment on fitness
"No MIND" DOESN'T MEAN No Thoughts/Thots!"
"Get your inner life together and your outer life will follow"
Book recommendation, “Seeing The Frees”:
“ Just because you transcend something it doesn't mean you can't access the previous states”
How to attained "Full Enlightenment"
Description of the state after full Realization
3rd Path (October 2019 - May 2020)
How To Attain Cosmic Consciousness/Total Unification 101
A week with an Enlightened Thot
The first Awakened being I ever caressed
Q: Could you describe a little bit more on “Awareness being a 360 degree reflecting mirror“?
Q: what do you mean by “Flipping Yourself Inside Out”?
Q: What about the “Got it, lost it” phenomenon in regards to waking up to your true nature?
Q: How do you know if it’s absolutely True?
Q: How do you deal with cravings?
Detailed descriptions of all the jhanas and how to access them
How to perceive “Emptiness“ in real time
How To Practice Metta (Loving Kindness) for compassion gains
Is Total freedom and the end of suffering in this lifetime possible?
Q: Is it possible to be in the state of unconditional Love, just as induced by psychedelic drugs?
How can we contemplate on the Now
"OUT OF BODY Experience" vs. Lucid Dreaming
“The Last Dance“ documentary as an analogy for Meditation & Awareness
What Is The Dark Night Of The Soul and what did it feel like for you?
2nd Path (July - September 2019)
The direct experience of Kundalini Explosion
My Enlightenment Experiences and Kundalini Awakenings
My perception of and cognition about the world after Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini Awakening experience
My grandpapa’s funeral/cremation ceremony + Philosophers, Prophets & Deities in regards to Oneness
Fitness industry serving as a parallel for Spirituality
What can be done if one is stuck in “Observer Trap“?
To connect with all of Reality and beyond, lifting with neither mind nor matter
Q: What’s your take on Reincarnation?
SE 1st Path (1% Of The Full Thing, May - June 2019)
Q: How was your most recent 10 day silent retreat?
The Near Death experience on the 9th day of the retreat
The Power Of Gone, micro vs macro Nirvanas
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