My basis is correct so everything is correct.
No one who thinks coma is reality can ever be right about anything.
Issues are emotional demons and the only thing an emotional demon wants to do is hold you back, that’s how they win. You think you have to defeat your demons, but all they want is for you to engage them so they can keep you at their level; then they have won and you have lost. That’s what I see going on here right now.
As long as you
think you have to deal with every bit of emotional detritus, you’re
effectively stuck right where you are. You feel the impulse to
magnify things, to zoom in and study them in microscopic
detail, and I’m telling you to zoom out, pull back out of yourself
and your body, out of your family and friendships, out of your
house and town and country, keep zooming back off the planet,
out of the solar system and the galaxy, all the way out past time
and space to total nothingness.
There are powerful emotional forces working to keep you zoomed in on petty details
Other than this battle there is
nothing. Every other spiritual activity is bullshit. No amount of
meditation or knowledge or consciousness exploration or
anything else matters in the least, only this battle
It looks like killing yourself very slowly and very painfully, and having nothing to show for it when you’re done.
And the funny thing is, at a subconscious level you already know all this, which is to say, your ego-self knows it, and that’s why you’re really
here, to make sure that nothing as horrible as awakening from
the dreamstate can ever happen to you.
You may think so, but you and me right now are not in
the same reality because you are in coma and I am not.
You think I think you’re real because I am talking to you, but
really no. I have no opinion about you. Just because I am here in
coma doing coma things doesn’t make me be in coma like you
now or like I was. I can still be here but it’s not the same. I’m not
really here. Neither are you, by the way.
I can’t even talk to someone who thinks they’re a human being.
It’s like talking to a stump. Why talk to a stump?
When you turn on the lights, all the human beings disappear. People who think they are human beings are not really alive, I would say. I see them in the market or the café or on the street and I think of them as scenery, like just for background or something.
The Little Bastard is your spark of pure integrity. He has clarity but no power.
The crazy little bullshit-hater who wants to burn everything down to see what’s left, and then burn that down too.
He is your inner hero; a lonely little rebel standing up to Darth Vader,
the Death Star, and a million clone army, and giving them all the
Sincerity and level of commitment mean nothing. Practice and technique mean nothing. Knowledge and understanding mean nothing. The only thing that means anything is if the suicidal maniac inside you is able to lure you to the edge of the abyss and give you a push when you’re peering over.
Just like falling off a cliff; once you’ve taken that tricky first step, the rest is pretty self-explanatory. The false dynamic may require interaction with a teacher, but the authentic one is a solo thing.
Doesn’t feeling love or fear or
hate prove that these emotions exist? Isn’t feeling a feeling
evidence that the feeling exists? Yes, it’s evidence. We have tons
of evidence for all sorts of things, but right now we’re talking
about certainty, so the answer is no; feelings do not have to exist
in order to be felt. They are pure appearance and have no
existence independent of the dreamstate. Being aware proves
that you exist, but it doesn’t prove the existence of anything you
are aware of.
Intent is emotion-fueled, emotion arises from the source
emotion of fear, and all fear is the fear of no-self, i.e., truth. In
short, the motive power of the dreamstate is the fear of truth.
you identify with your role and accept the game as real because you wouldn’t be amusing if you didn’t.
We, as observers, are capable of misperceiving. It is the
reason for our existence; to see imperfection that isn’t there.
Seeing what’s not is the function of the segregated self.
We live with eyes closed so we are able to see what’s not and not
see what is, but we can open our eyes, achieve abiding
untruth-unrealization, and thereby see what is by not seeing
what’s not.
Your job is to misperceive perfection. By seeking enlightenment,
you are trying to quit your job, but seeking enlightenment and
trying to quit your job both fall within your job description.
we don’t live in a fine-tuned universe because we don’t live in a universe at all.
The way to believe wrong things is one, don’t look too close, and
two, build strong walls around them to protect them and hold
them up, and also, attack anything that gets too close to the
wrong things you believe.
the only way that can succeed, is if you somehow develop a searing white-hot hatred for bullshit so intense that you would eagerly hurl yourself into an active volcano rather than continue picnicking on its
words like coma and hallucination are helpful, so we can know the answer before we even ask the question.
they were completely impervious to any message that might threaten to undermine the structure of the ego-self.
what I said to students didn’t really
matter much. The only thing that might make a difference was
getting a message through to the Little Bastard within. There’s no
point in trying to convince ego to kill itself; the whole idea of ego
seeking truth is, as the entire history of human spirituality
shows, a non-starter.
Ego convinces them that they are inward-facing, but they really aren’t so no progress is made. Going inward is a process of self-annihilation, whereas virtually all spiritual aspirants are pursuing some form of self-improvement.
“You ask yourself who you are in order to peel away the layers of self, but self is all layers and nothing else. No-self is true self. Self-inquiry is not a process of self-discovery but of self-deconstruction.”
why, why, why give up the lovely illusion of selfhood for the pointless reality of no-self?
We cannot discover, uncover or recover our true self because it’s not covered, it’s nonexistent.
Self doesn’t have a black hole, it is a black hole.
There is no self to discover or understand,” I say. “Self is a
fiction, so there’s nothing to discover or learn about
The thing to remember about all that
ancient Eastern stuff is that there’s no one on the other end who
has a firm grip on any of it. There’s no one out there in the
mystical fog who can figure this stuff out better than you can
Epiphanies and realizations are a useful part of the awakening
process, but they are nothing in and of themselves. They are like
firebombs you possess, but what’s the point of having bombs you don’t use? To get any benefit from them you have to throw them at stuff, the stuff of which you and your dreamstate universe are made...
many people who have acquired this bomb would prefer to hold onto it rather than use it, which means that ego has intercepted the bomb and kept it safely out...
The concept of not-two is very powerful, so if you possess this bomb and you’re not either awake or in the throes of internal upheaval, then it never got into the right hands.
That hole in the bottom of the mask is the black hole
within, the thing we have to deny or cover or disguise because
it’s a dead giveaway; it’s the gateway from the illusion of the
segregated self to the reality of infinite consciousness, the
glaring plothole in the story of you. That hole is where we’re all
going eventually, but for as long as we wish to maintain the
illusion of self, the black hole must be denied.
For the beginning to be the end is not so much fun, but things aren’t always fun.
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