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reply to a reader of my blog
Hello xxx,
let's go step by step.

1) Creative visualization is not a prerequisite to the type of path suggested by me, indeed in a certain sense I push in the opposite direction, towards disenchantment from any inner (imaginative) or external phenomenon. So much so that the second trilogy that I'm writing is called "Empty Mind in a Full Body".
This hangs up to your talk about the 'full mind'.

2) The mind, in its natural state, should not be rich in mental images, thinking, arguings, rhetorical ability, reasonings neither full of focus, concentration, mnemonic readiness.
Mind, in its natural state, shoud be relaxed, thoughtless or with a very small amount of thoughts, ideas, questions.
What you consider a normal (and therefore healthy) mind is considered by me as an unhealthy mind. I call this mind 'ordinary mind' and with ordinary I mean that it corresponds to the intellect of most of humanity or what most of humanity would want to have. Many want to increase their Q.I. and hope that by doing so they will be able to better understand the meaning of life. They do not realize that what is veiling the simple truth is precisely their complex and high intellectuality.
And this hooks up to the other point, the understanding of my contents.

3) What I write is not for any public. It is aimed at those who want to leave the mental cage and not those who want to enrich their mental prison.
The way indicated by me is a way of subtraction, not of addition.
I do not try to strengthen the intellect, but to weaken it.
I do not try to give, but to take away.
I do not try to bring someone to enlightenment, I try to stop him from his need to enlighten.
I do not want to help people integrate into society, I want to disintegrate them both from within (both people and society).
I do not try to revive your intellectual life, but to remove the thorn of the intellect.
I do not want to make others lives more satisfying, I wish to emphasize their dissatisfaction until the frustration becomes such as to push someone to take a real step outside the comfort zone of the ordinary mind.
I do not try to increase people's self-esteem, but to increase self-awareness and ruthless lucidity, devoid of self-esteem.
I do not invite you to love, I invite you to hate: hate your life, hate your thoughts, hate your desires, hate the world, hate your ego.

4) The fact that you are resigned is good news, it means that a part of you, the one you have always sedated, wants to overturn the situation. But probably, indeed certainly, it will not reverse the situation in the way you believe, hope, dreams, desires. If you give free rein to that frustrated but authentic part of yourself - not the intellectual, philanthropic, etc - it will try to overthrow your cognitive system, your beliefs, your certainties, your relationships.
This, in my opinion, is the most interesting part of you, the one that can not relate to society, the one that can not sustain an ordinary conversation, the one that embarrasses you in front of friends, the one that always disappoints you, the one that it ruins your plans, it destroys your dreams, it spoils your fantasies, the one that disfigures your ridiculous social character, the one that makes you look like a social "handicapped" (pass me the term).

This part, which you find disappointing, I find it to be the best part of you, the one that really wants to awaken from the planetary dream. It is this inner bad guy that has pushed you to write to me and it is precisely with this inner bad guy that you must learn to live together if you want to understand my messages. This mood breaker is a small bastard who resembles Tyler Durden, the character of Fight Club, with the difference that rather than bombing the social system, he is trying to bomb your cognitive system, your emotional system, your nervous system; is trying to raze your life, is trying to kill you (metaphorically) and guess who I'm a fan of?
Of course I cheer for him, your inner bad guy, your spoilsport, because I know that in truth the little spoilsport just wants to kill your ego, the ridiculous character with which you are identified. No longer tolerating the lies with which you have poisoned your existence, the mood breaker is willing to blow everything up in the air.
But basically it is not really bad, bastard, cruel as it seems. He simply can not stand illusions, that's all.
What your intellect finds tempting, he finds it painful. And he is right; the fiction you really surrounded yourself with is repugnant. It is a sewer.
He, the spoilsport, has only smelled the stench and tries to point out to you that the ideal life dreamed by the ordinary man is a great sewer.

As you can see, I do not know if I can help you. I do not have a self-help approach, but a self-destructive approach.
You ask me for advice on the attitude to be held and - since you care - I can tell you that your approach is the opposite of mine. You ask me something to alleviate the problem, techniques and exercises ... but the only thing I can advise you is not to alleviate the problem, rather to live lucidly with the discomfort and to treat it as an ally - instead of treating it as an enemy.
I can advise you to pour liters of acid (in the sense of cynicism) so as to dissolve your castles in the air or I can advise you to set all your beliefs on fire, spiritual beliefs included.

Do you want an antidote? One of those powerful?
Break your damn spells. I assure you that, if applied correctly, it works with mathematical certainty.
As for everything else, self-help, personal improvement, problem solving, I have nothing to advise you. Out there the world is full of knowledge on personal improvement and spiritual growth.

That said.
I wish the death of your ridiculous character.
Above all, I hope that the inner spoilsport will destroy all your dreams in the drawer as soon as possible and that burns all the mental closet in which those dreams are contained.

A hug from your external mood breaker.


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If you like the post, share the link---> - This is the first volume of the trilogy "Awakening from planetary dream". Click her for FREE pdf on kobo: first volume:  Awakening from Planetary Dream: Volume One (Theory) - Kindle edition by ZeRo second volume:  Awakening from planetary dream eBook by ZeRo -  Click here for paper on lulu (7.92€) For any question, ask me at my FB profile This is the page dedicated to my Trilogy

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